Clint left out \u201Cdeath,\u201D but otherwise I agree with him. In addition to their evil side, mushrooms have a longstanding corner on dreamy whimsy, serving as the roof over the head of woodland storybook creatures everywhere, and on magic, too, which most of us encountered as kids, In Alice in Wonderland, when the hookah-smoking caterpillar, sitting atop a big mushroom, informs Alice that one side of the shroom \u201Cwill make you grow taller, and the other side will make you grow shorter.\u201D This passage would, of course, later inspire the famous Jefferson Airplane song, before becoming a theme in the Matrix movies. (And some other, more unfortunate stuff.)
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The strange thing is, the characters are interesting. You could make a movie about them. That Brian's very sane mother is played by Jane Alexander is an example of how well the film is cast. The delicate relationship between Harriet and Brian is beautifully played by Deschanel and Dano, but the movie jars us out of it with bizarre sidetracks like a scene set in a massage parlor; it's intended as funny but is finally a tossup between odd and sad.
Meanwhile, after dissing a human mushroom, the proud Ivan finds himself sporting the head of a bear. From here, the movie starts to get kind of kooky. Not only does Nastenka reject Ivan, he also has to fend off hordes of weirdos who worship him as the first communist furry.
Michael Pollan is a journalist who's written extensively about food and plants. And most recently about psychedelics and a book called How to Change Your Mind. His experiences led him to join the ranks of ethnobotanists, neuroscientists and others who are trying to unlock the secrets of psychedelic mushrooms. Not in order to have more or better trips but because they suspect that mushrooms might help answer some of the big questions, like the origins of our evolution, the development of human consciousness. And there's also this totally bizarre idea. The stoned ape theory. Steve Paulson has the story.
Eating a virtual magic mushroom mostly just applies a bizarre filter to the world that's a little more psychedelic than what you can achieve on real-life magic mushrooms alone. That's more of an LSD thing--or so I've been told. Anyway, head on over to Nexus Mods to download every mod mentioned here. 2ff7e9595c